lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012

European platform for peace in Colombia

We, women and men of Colombian and different nationalities, as well as European residents and citizens, speaking for ourselves or as representatives of social and political organisations, concerned about the Colombian situation and in particular about the armed conflict which has stricken Colombia for decades, declare that:

1. We understand the armed conflict in Colombia to be the result of social, economic and political factors which have affected Colombian society historically and which, after several decades, has reached a level so base that it now has the country in the midst of one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world.

2. After more than a decade under a policy of a military solution to the conflict, whose results have been more internal displacement and more exile, increased concentration of land and wealth, crimes against humanity such as the "falsos positivos" extra-judicial killings and, in general, violence towards every sphere of society, we re-affirm that a negotiated political solution is the only possible way to end the military confrontation. This will best prepare society for democratic life, in peace.
3. We therefore support the current negotiation process between FARC-EP and the Colombian government, as manifested by our commitment to make the greatest possible effort, from each of our realities, to raise awareness, motivate and organise broad sectors of European society in support of a political solution to the Colombian armed conflict. At the same time we advocate the linking of the National Liberation Army (ELN) to the current peace process and the urgent arrival at humanitarian agreements to reduce the intensity of the conflict and a cease fire.
4. We recognise that the fundamental guarantee for reaching just and lasting peace is the inclusive and democratic linking of civil society to this negotiation process. For this reason we call on the FARC, the government and any other possible participants in negotiations to guarantee the mechanisms and instruments necessary to achieve this.
5. The international community must also play an important role in supporting the process through to a successful conclusion, verifying compliance with agreements and supporting any
initiatives arising from civil society in this regard. In particular, expatriate Colombian women and men must play a fundamental part in this movement.
6. From outside the country we see that recognition of exiles as victims of the conflict, the dignification of economic migrants and guarantees for their return are matters that must be
covered when constructing peace proposals within the negotiations. We also wish to draw attention to the issue of the thousands of Colombian girls and boys who, on account of the
different ways the conflict has manifested itself, have been adopted in different countries of the world. These girls and boys, too, must be recognised as victims.
7. To take the above forward, we are launching the European Platform for Peace, a broad and democratic network of people of all ages, also open to social, political, solidarity and international cooperation organisations who share these principles, and which will provide a setting for the coordination and progress of various initiatives to be decided as part of our action plan.
8. To facilitate peace talks and prevent any situations which could place their continuance in peril, we are calling on the governments of Europe to remove the Colombian insurgent organisations from the list of terrorist organisations.
9. We also appeal to the European media's sense of social responsibility so that, by means of the language they use and the emphases they place on coverage of the Colombian situation,
they contribute to the creation of a culture of peace and reconciliation in Colombia.
10. The European Platform for Peace joins its voice to the different processes which, from Colombia and the World, are working towards a political solution to the Colombian armed
conflict and in particular through the Common Path to Peace. It also commits itself to the proposal, dissemination and discussion of items, and to the construction of specific proposals
leading to a structural solution to the conflict.
From the most profound desire for peace, which we share with all Colombian women and men, and mindful of the experience of previous attempts at negotiation, we call on government and guerilla negotiators to provide an example of democratic behaviour through a deep engagement with the difficult reality of Colombia, conscious of their responsibility to the future of Colombian society, exercising mutual respect throughout these talks, thus guaranteeing the success of this new negotiation effort, because the Colombian people deserve peace.
Oslo, 15 October 2012

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